Friday, 3 May 2013

The Game of “Who’s the fucking busiest?”

There’s this game at work.  It’s called “Who’s the fucking busiest?”

I say “game” – it’s more of a default conversational belch.
I say ‘It’s called “Who’s the fucking busiest?”’ – but no one calls it that.  No one admits to even playing it.  But they do.

The rule is this:  If someone asks you “How are you?” and you say “Fine” then you lose.  Because FINE means NOT BUSY.  And the person asking secures the higher ethical ground in the context of the ethics of “BEING BUSY” BEING THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE IN STOIC MARTYRDOM.

To have any chance of winning, you should answer, “Busy.”  But no cunt wants to know HOW busy you are.  You saying BUSY is a gauntlet thrown down, to which the only counter is to OUT-BUSY you.  “Tell me about it!” the first protagonist will respond, paradoxically NOT wanting you to tell them about it, but instead to LISTEN to THEIR boasts of being busy.  Metaphorical cocks-at-the-urinals time.  “Yeah, me too.  Busy as fuck.”  Because as we all know, ‘fuck’ is a busy thing isn’t it.

The BUSY-OFF begins like two bulldogs in a barrel of raw beef.  The accomplished game-player will reel off a list of ALL the things they HAVE to do, because of course being busy is about the quantity of tasks and not the length of time it takes to do any of them.  After five minutes of listening to this mundane list of massively unimportant nuggets of information, you start wondering to yourself, “If you’re so fucking busy, why do you spend five minutes telling me what you have to do instead of fucking off to do it.”  And you know you’ll not be the only recipient of that self-pitying spiel that day.

God help you if you ASK someone to do anything.  “I’ve not got time to do that.  I’ve got to blah blah, blah blah, blah…” – five minutes of fucking blah-blah-blah-ing like a blahcunt from Cuntsville, New Blahdom.  You could’ve done it by now, you think to yourself, listening like an inert carbon-based lump of disinterest.

These sort of self-contradictory, self-lauding aspirants to globally-honoured stoicism are the last people you should ever tell ANYTHING about your leisure interests or experiences to.  Don’t light that touch-paper with “I did a bit of gardening at the weekend” because you’ll get back, “Wish I had time for gardening!” – the implication being that you aren’t busy, because you did SOMETHING ELSE.

I remember the reaction of some colleagues to this blog.  “Fucking hell, you must have a lot of time on your hands.”  Because of course, it takes HOURS!  And it’s not like I do it to relax, do I?  I can’t be busy enough. 

“You must have nothing better to do!”
Well, I kind of think that doing this is A LOT better to do than spending your life in a permanent state of one-up-man-ship moaning and boasting in this irritatingly cuntfest of a game called “Who’s the fucking busiest?”

Now fuck off, I’m busy!